Today's Date: 13 September 2024 |
16 May 1992 , Croydon |
Youths Shot Putt (5kg) | FINAL | 2nd | | 13.18 | | | Youths Discus (1.5kg) | FINAL | 6th | | 23.28 | | |
15 May 1993 , Croydon |
U17 Men Shot Putt (5kg) | FINAL | 2nd | | 15.27 | | | U17 Men Discus (1.5kg) | FINAL | 4th | | 23.54 | | |
26 February 1994 , C Palace Indoor |
U20 Men Shot Putt (6.25kg) | FINAL | 1st | | 14.05 | | CBP |
15 May 1994 , Croydon |
Sen Men Shot Putt (7.26kg) | FINAL | 4th | | 13.09 | | |
25 February 1995 , C Palace Indoor |
U20 Men Shot Putt (6.25kg) | FINAL | 2nd | | 13.83 | | |
30 April 1995 , Wimbledon Pk |
U20 Men Shot Putt (6.25kg) | FINAL | 2nd | | 14.88 | | |
14 May 1995 , Croydon |
Sen Men Shot Putt (7.26kg) | FINAL | 6th | | 12.89 | | |
25 February 1996 , C Palace Indoor |
Sen Men Shot Putt (7.26kg) | FINAL | 1st | | 14.33 | | CBP |
12 May 1996 , Croydon |
Sen Men Shot Putt (7.26kg) | FINAL | 2nd | | 13.90 | | |
23 February 1997 , C Palace Indoor |
Sen Men Shot Putt (7.26kg) | FINAL | 1st | | 13.78 | | |
10 May 1997 , Wimbledon Pk |
Sen Men Shot Putt (7.26kg) | FINAL | 2nd | | 14.99 | | | Sen Men Discus (2kg) | FINAL | 4th | | 35.32 | | |
9 May 1998 , Kingston |
Sen Men Shot Putt (7.26kg) | FINAL | 5th | | 12.23 | | | Sen Men Discus (2kg) | FINAL | 5th | | 36.26 | | |
28 February 1999 , C Palace Indoor |
Sen Men Shot Putt (7.26kg) | FINAL | 1st | | 14.35 | | CBP |
9 May 1999 , Kingston |
Sen Men Shot Putt (7.26kg) | FINAL | 3rd | | 15.10 | | | |
20 February 2000 , C Palace Indoor |
Sen Men Shot Putt (7.26kg) | FINAL | 1st | | 15.24 | | CBP |
18 February 2001 , C Palace Indoor |
Sen Men Shot Putt (7.26kg) | FINAL | 1st | | 15.29 | | CBP |
17 February 2002 , C Palace Indoor |
Sen Men Shot Putt (7.26kg) | FINAL | 1st | | 14.66 | | |
11 May 2002 , Kingston |
Sen Men Shot Putt (7.26kg) | FINAL | 3rd | | 14.72 | | |
10 May 2003 , Kingston |
Sen Men Shot Putt (7.26kg) | FINAL | 2nd | | 14.28 | | | Sen Men Discus (2kg) | FINAL | 1st | | 43.45 | | |
15 February 2004 , Carshalton Indoor |
Sen Men Shot Putt (7.26kg) | FINAL | 2nd | | 15.01 | | |
15 May 2004 , Kingston |
Sen Men Shot Putt (7.26kg) | FINAL | 1st | | 15.02 | | |
14 May 2005 , Kingston |
Sen Men Shot Putt (7.26kg) | FINAL | 2nd | | 14.45 | | | Sen Men Discus (2kg) | FINAL | 4th | | 36.11 | | |
10 May 2008 , Kingston |
Sen Men Shot Putt (7.26kg) | FINAL | 2nd | | 13.99 | | | Sen Men Discus (2kg) | FINAL | 5th | | 37.54 | | |
7 March 2010 , Carshalton Indoor |
Sen Men Shot Putt (7.26kg) | FINAL | 1st | | 13.34 | | |
8 May 2010 , Kingston |
Sen Men Shot Putt (7.26kg) | FINAL | 2nd | | 13.35 | | | Sen Men Discus (2kg) | FINAL | 5th | | 32.37 | | |
11 May 2024 , Kingston |
Sen Men Shot Putt (7.26kg) | FINAL | 3rd | | 10.22 | | | Sen Men Discus (2kg) | FINAL | 7th | | 25.55 | | |
| INTER-COUNTY TRACK & FIELD ( No of Entries = 8 ) | CAU Inter-Counties
| 25 & 26 May 1997, Bedford | | Sen Men Shot Putt (7.26kg) | 12th | 13.97m | |
24 & 25 May 1998, Bedford | | Sen Men Shot Putt (7.26kg) | 12th | 12.41m | |
26 & 27 May 2002, Bedford | | Sen Men Shot Putt (7.26kg) | 13th | 14.70m | |
25 & 26 May 2003, Bedford | | Sen Men Shot Putt (7.26kg) | 9th | 14.12m | |
29 & 30 May 2005, Bedford | | Sen Men Shot Putt (7.26kg) | 9th | 14.72m | |
| Sen Men Discus (2kg) | 7qAth | 39.42m | |
25 & 26 May 2008, Bedford | | Sen Men Shot Putt | 9th | 13.96m | |
Army v Surrey etc
| 29 June 2005, Aldershot | | Sen Men Shot Putt (7.26kg) | 1st | 14.74m | |
| 26/31 July 2002 Manchester | Sen Men Discus QUAL | 13th | | 44.75 | | National Record | Sen Men Shot 7.26kg QUAL | | | 16.01 | | National Record | 19/25 March 2006 Melbourne, Australia | Sen Men Shot 7.26kg QUAL A | 13th | | 15.41 | | | Sen Men Discus QUAL B | 8th | | 42.86 | | |
| ANNUAL BEST T&F PERFORMANCES BY EVENT (Ranked performances only) ( No of Entries = 36 ) | |
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