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Today's Date: 7 February 2025

You can display the performances of past and present Surrey athletes at County Championships; Inter-County Matches and Major International Championships plus their annual best performances as shown in the County Track & Field ranking lists and any County Records they have set.
Their names are listed below in alphabetical order of their family name. The names are grouped by the initial letter. Only those athletes whose dates of birth are known are shown. If an athlete has competed in Surrey championships but they are not shown it is likely to be because we have not been provided with their date of birth.
Because of the number of athletes contained in the database the search has been split between Males & Females. The first row of letters, with a red background, are Females and the second row, with a blue background, are Males. The list of names beneath also has the corresponding background colour.


Olivia Ab-Iorwerth
Leila Abandah
Harriet Abbiss
Harriet Abbott
Rachael Abbott
Ursula Abbott
Nadia Abdulla
Ava Abel
Maisie Abel
Mary Abichi
Alexandra Abidoun
Karen Abiwu
Cerys Aboagye
Marie-Louise Abraham
Sarah Abrams
Lakesha Abrams-Quamina
Bronwyn Ackroyd
Elisabeth Acossi
Joanna Acott
Amber Acres-McGuigan
Sienna Adam
Alexa Adams
Allegra Adams
Clementine Adams
Emily Adams
Georgia Adams
India Adams
Lynne Adams
Tabitha Adams
Lea Adamson
Oreoluwa Adamson
Jaime Adcock
Michelle Adeola
Oluwatobi Aderoju
Elizabeth Adetu
Yimika Adewakun
Ninsola Adewale
Ore Adewale
Christabel Admiraal
Sharon Adongo
Priscilla Adu-Bobie
Evelyne Adu-Poku
Tobi Afilaka
Irene Afriye
Rebecca Afriyie
Chrissy Afriyie Amponsah
Christal Afriyie Amponsah
Iona Agius
Olivia Agyei
Akua Agyemang
Mary Agyepong
Ivie Aire
Amelie Airey
Megan Aitchison
Pauline Aitken
Gift Aiwekhoe
Sade Ajami-Akinfolarin
Ayoola Ajayi
Funmilola Ajayi
Kelly Ajayi
Sophie Ajuka
Jola Akande
Francesca Akano
Maheni Aki-Sawyer
Ayamba Akim
Monique Akinbile
Tuvola Akiwumu
Ebube Akojie
Isabella Akpoveta
Azaratu Al-Hassan
Jasmin Alamo
Emma Albon
Jodie Albrow
Genevieve Alcock
Emily Alden
Emily Alden
Madelaine Alden
Charlotte Alexander
Iona Alexander
Natasha Alexander
Zoraya Aleyideino
Natasha Alfred
Maureen Algar
Victoria Alicante-King
Beatrice Allan
Leila Allan
Nadia Allan
Amy Allcock
Jackie Allder
Charlotte Allen
Jessica Allen
Rachel Allen
Sarah Allen
Zahra Allen
Lohita Allen-Aigbodion
Denise Alleyne
Rianna Alleyne
Jaideen Alleyne-Adams
Alecia Alli-Ugbaja
Gail Allnut
Pippa Allnutt
Francesca Allum
Claire Altmann
Kristal Ama-Awuah
Sylvia Ambadubah
Onyeka Ambrose
Adachi Amiaka
Adachi Amiaka
Amarachi Amiaka
Aishah Amodu
Lizzie Amos
Liz Amos
Christabel Afriyie Amponsah
Adanna Anah
Rialle Andall
Bethany Anderson
Cara Anderson
Dawn Anderson
Isla Anderson
Lana Anderson
Leah Anderson
Lia Anderson
Maia Anderson
Marli Anderson
Phoebe Anderson
Tori-Ann Anderson
Zana Anderson
Beth Andrew
Ellen Andrews
Jane Angell
Flora Anghileri-Jarman
Serena Angoua
Ann Ford
Lindsey Annable
Micaela Anselmi
Jemima Anson
Lara Antar
Phoebe Antill
Rukiyah Apedo-Amah
Lynn Aplin
Maxine Appiagyei
Nirvana Appiah
Elizabeth Apsley
Tumininu Araga
Phoebe Arbalimen
Olivia Archdeacon
Evelyn Archer
Lisa Archer
Rayanne Archer
Sonyce Archer
Olivia Aries
Danielle Ariyo-Francis
Charlotte Arkwright
Lauren Armitage
Lesley Armstrong
Charlotte Arnell
Eleanor Arnfield
Hetty Arnfield
Valerie Arnold
Amy Aronson
Leanne Arundel-Jackson
Angel Asare
Claudia Asare
Elena Ascione
Hazel Ashby
Lois Ashcroft
Kaiya Ashitey
Eloise Ashmore
Emily Ashong
Molly Ashton-Harris
Amelia Ashton-Jones
Emily Ashwood
Annie Ashworth
Ashanti Asiamah
Kazia Asiedu Boafo
Smilla Askeland
Carys Aspden
Aaliyah Assanah
Frances Athawes
Aylia Atherley
Sonya Atherton
Tallulah Atkin
Lauren Atkins
Lucy Atkins
Nichola Atkins
Sarah Atkins
Arianna Atkinson
Karen Atkinson
Inessa-Renee Atta-Flynn
Inessa-Renee Atta-Fynn
Amelie Attenborough
Olivia Attwood
Lucy Atunumuo
Amelie Auckland
Elizabeth Audergon
Sophie August
Alexa Aumuller
Bea Austin
Maddy Austin
Phoebe Avbulimen
Vicky Awanah
Enioluwa Awonogun
Kristal Awuah
Emma Axbey
Aesha Ayimba-Golding
Leila Ayimba-Golding
Nicola Aylett
Grace Ayling
Louise Aylwin
Seun Ayo-Ojo
Danielle Ayres
Zakia Azim O'Neill

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